Where in the World is Sinwar’s Ummi?
Sinwar’s Enslaved Circle of the Hostages
Moving beyond the Strategic and Tactical to His Unconscious

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Clue: It’s always about Ummi
Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin, PhD
Where in the world is Sinwar’s Ummi (Mommy)? Like the computer game “Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?” But wait - No one seems to know if Sinwar’s mother is dead or alive and if dead when did she die?
The last item that surfaces in Google is a story written in Le Monde in May 2024. There’s a paywall there so I couldn’t access it.
I have asked countless counter terrorist experts too and they do not know where the mother is, nor do they seem to think that it is of importance and yet it holds the key to Sinwar’s psychopathic mind and what he is currently experiencing.
Touvinen and Stein – Two Famous Analysts’ Understanding of Crime
“Crime as an attempt at intrapsychic adaption” was written by Matti Touvinen was a brilliant Finnish psychoanalyst psychiatrist. He understood that a crime always carries an unconscious meaning that might not be readily seen by the eye of the viewer because it is so terrifying.
Abby Stein also a brilliant psychoanalyst wrote The Prologue to Violence (is early childhood) with its subtitle Child Abuse, Dissociation and Trauma.
As a criminologist she too understood that early childhood and violence go hand in hand and like Touvinen it is possible to make meaning out of the criminal’s unconscious behavior at the crime scene.
The Unconscious Meaning of Sinwar Encircling Himself with Our Hostages
Why is this important? Because to understand the jihadis like Hamas you must understand the significant anchor which is holding them together – their mothers. Everything in shame honor cultures revolves around the mother and the key to understanding their nonverbal behavior is the register of the maternal. We will de-code this encirclement below but first we must revisit serial killing and the mutilation of the body.
The Mutilation of the Body – The Tie to the Mother – Unconscious Splitting and Projection
In counter terrorism for jihad the most crucial question is: Where is the mother since she made the brain of the jihadi. We know for a fact that serial killers also are glued to their mothers, and you can see this in the mutilation of the body just as Hamas did on October 7th. It is the unconscious projection of a perversion of erotized hatred of not only the female per se but specifically the mother – Ummi. The enmeshment emasculates the men and is suffocating.
Along time ago I published this essay in a criminology journal about political serial killing and the mutilation of the body in light of Al Qaeda’s behavior:
As in “regular” serial killing the mutilation is a splitting and projection embodying the jihadi’s erotized unconscious rage against his mother.
Sinwar’s Unconscious Re-enactment: His Psychopathic Circle
The image of Sinwar choosing to be surrounded by brutally enslaving our hostages is a terrifying image to say the least. However, it is also an enactment of his fragile yet murderous psychopathic mind.
In my opinion it is not enough to just say or brush off the reason for Sinwar to choose the circle. Yes of course it is a clever strategic and tactical ploy created by Sinwar using the hostages as his “protective shield” but it is more than that and it is very revealing about his perverse state of mind. We can ascertain many things in this image.
He enslaves the hostages signaling that he must be in a state of fusion.
He cannot be individuated or separated from them. This echoes the maternal fusion.
He could have chosen other scenarios to protect himself, but he speaks in his unique pantomime through the creation of the bizarre and perverse circle with him at the center. How does this then connect to the maternal?
Where else do we find a significant “encirclement” in jihad? Answer: At Al Aqsa
I wrote a piece a while ago about the “swarming” of jihadis encircling Al Aqsa.
We note that the name chosen for October 7th is “The Flooding of Al Aqsa”.
In their mind’s eye the mosque is the mother. Cf.
The Al Aqsa Mosque as Mother and “The Flooding of the AlAqsa Mosque”
Sinwar’s Psychopathic Sexual Identity
Psychopaths by definition are extremely confused about their identities. They have no stability in relating to others. I coined the term the volcanic iceberg mentality to describe that on the surface they can be charismatic and viewed as normal and not hostile but lurking below the surface lies a rage which exceeds murder itself and infused with perverse psychosexual behavior.
Not only do psychopaths like Sinwar lack empathy, he is so fundamentally mentally fragile that without his Ummi being there or for him to have easy access to her like he would normally have if he hadn't trapped himself in his own perverse tunnel system, a reflection of his miind , that here he "becomes" his mother in fantasy. He must assume her position as the malignant “queen bee” of his psychopathic beehive.
Denial and Our “Internal” Terrorists
Some if not many will argue -- what good it is to know this unconscious level of communication? I assert it is essential because it disrupts the maternal motor of the jihadis’ psychological warfare and the projections they seek to create by hooking into us.
Indeed, if one does not know this maternal level of terrorism’s communication, one winds up being in denial – blinded by one’s own maternal terrors. This is the pre-ideology terrain of terrorism.
Why were the warnings from 8200 not heeded? It’s very simple but people won’t like to hear it – it’s called DENIAL. Why? Because of deep seated maternal terrors within the intelligence community and the higher eschelons as well.
Just as the jihadis scream: “You love life and we love death,” this statement too shouldn’t be taken at face value for what the jihadis are really telling us. It is that they never developed the interpersonal skills during early childhood for one to enjoy life. They attack us because they envy us.
And just like my previous war blog post – the deeper meaning of “from the river to the sea,” Sinwar’s encirclement and the perverse, brutal and horrific use of our hostages also reveals that he too wishes to return to his Ummi’s womb as he doesn’t know how to be without her. However, and my “however,” is a big one – we pay the brutal exorbitant price for them having grown up in a shame honor culture where one must always have an enemy. I believe Lee Harris wrote recently that the West has lost the idea of why there are enemies. Hamas, Sinwar, Hezbollah, Iran etc. cannot be reasoned with precisely because they have cognitive deficits of a major magnitude.
The code of the maternal exposes them for what they really are – Sinwar is a mama’s boy.