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Sinwar’s Sex Sin

Pedophilia – No Surprise

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By Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin, Ph.D.


War Blog Post # 42

Consider this: 94% est. of thinking is unconscious & 95% est. of communication is nonverbal, thus symbols and fantasy are at the core of the problem of political violence. Form follows function; function follows fantasy. All behavior can be potentially understood.


Sinwar and Brother Muhammad The Pedophiles

In a recently published article in the Jerusalem Post Sinwar and his brother Muhammad have been accused of pedophilia in an article entitled:

"Rape, sexual abuse, and pedophilia: How Hamas leader Sinwar ruled the yard"

"Yahya Sinwar and his brother Muhammed have been accused of several acts of sexual assault, rape, and even, pedophilia, by Hamas members locked up with them." Cf.


Pedophilia Rampant in Shame Honor Cultures

In shame honor cultures such as the hyper shame honor entity terrorist group called Hamas, there are no personal boundaries because this is a fused dysfunctional group which inhabits the reverse world of what is good is bad and what is bad is good. There is no stage of individuation-separation from the mother, umm. This leads to massive child abuse that has been completely underestimated and not factored into terrorism studies.


Neuroscience findings on growing up in a violent neighborhood

We now have neuroscience findings of how such abuse and violence affects brain development. This current research limits itself to violent neighborhoods while it does not take into account the cultural concept of institutionalized shaming practices.


To digress for one moment to Pakistan, in an recent op-ed penned by Nadia Jamil, she also addresses the pervasive problem of child sexual abuse. These are violent neighborhoods as well. Cf.


As esteemed Egyptian professor of sociology Haim Barakat has written, if you have violence in the family, you will have a violent society and I would hasten to add a society and families which spawn jihadis. All shame honor cultures spawn terrorist organizations.

Even in the West its shame honor families yield very disturbed children who grow into adult terrorists. They all have a history of having been abused such as those involved in the Symbionese Liberation Army. I personally knew one such member. Trauma and psychosexual abuse rules.


A Closer Look at Pedophilia

What is pedophilia and why it should not surprise us that this psychosexual perversion is a major driver that is acted out by Hamas and its nefarious leaders leading to violent kidnapping, murder and mutilation.


From my Jihadi Dictionary:


Sexual feelings or activities that involve children.


√ 1900, from Greek pais: child; from pedo: child.


Ψ Pedophilia is “a paraphilia wherein carnal acts or fantasies with pre-pubescent kids are the continually favored or sole technique of achieving carnal excitement. The kids are generally multiple years younger than the pedophile. Carnal activity might be inclusive of touching and looking, but at times it also comprises intercourse, even with very young kids. Pedophilia is not commonly seen in females.”


“A large percentage of individuals with this disorder were sexually abused as children, although the vast majority of adults who were abused do not develop pedophilia.”


X (The Crossed Swords of Jihad) The jihadis are pedophiles and use pedophilic methods to recruit children to jihad via ISIS. Although speculative, it is likely that many of the jihadis were themselves raped as young boys, fueling their unconscious rage and redirecting it into outward, conscious projection as they seek to destroy, unable to handle a seething rage that exceeds the satisfaction they find in the act of murder.

There is another link between pedophilia and the jihadis ― the high degree of recidivism. It is extremely difficult to rehab pedophiles and jihadis. A good example are the Guantanamo prisoners who have returned to jihad, such as Ibrahim al Qosi, now a prominent leader for Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. R. Mauro, a national security analyst at the Clarion Project, was quoted as saying “I would not be surprised if one day the chief of Al Qaeda is someone who was released from Gitmo.”

P. Dunleavy has argued in a similar vein concerning prison radicalization and its recruitment grounded in criminality. Furthermore, 70 per cent of the imams in the United Kingdom prison system are themselves adherents of violent jihad. They will contribute to high rates of prisoner recividism by condoning jihad.


Two Other Citations of Pedophilia in The Jihadi Dictionary:

Under the entry of Parentified, Parentification

The assumption of a parent-like (or adult) role by a child.


“X (Crossed Swords of Jihad) The first-born son becomes the mother’s unconscious husband due to the real father’s absence because of polygamy. The devalued female turned Heroic Mother with the birth of her son forms a psychosexual marriage with the child. Because of the maternal symbiosis and fusion, coupled with the cultural prohibition from moving into an individuation‒separation stage of development, the jihadis never achieve boundaries. They engage in fusing to objects and then splitting or causing a fission from them. This carries over into relationships. The mother is wed to her son, and the son is like a husband: hence, parentified. This dynamic severely harms the child.894 Thus, the little girls are set up to be married to older men who were parentified. The ramifications often lead to domestic violence. There are pictures showing little girls dressed up as virgin child brides for Hamas men. It is a form of pedophilia, constituting a perversion — the misuse of a female child. It also indicates terror bonding as the girls have no say in the forced marriage.


Another citation of pedophilia under the entry for Bride Stealing (see also Kidnapping) in which Hamas is cited:

Bride kidnapping, also known as marriage by abduction or marriage by capture, is a practice in which a man abducts the woman he wishes to marry. Bride kidnapping has been practiced around the world and throughout history. It continues to occur in countries in Central Asia, the Caucasus region, and parts of Africa, and among peoples as diverse as the Hmong in Southeast Asia, the Tzeltal in Mexico, and the Romani in Europe.


“In most nations, bride kidnapping is considered a sex crime [emphasis added] rather than a valid form of marriage. Some types of it may also be seen as falling along the continuum between forced marriage and arranged marriage. The term is sometimes used to include not only abductions, but also elopements, in which a couple runs away together and seeks the consent of their parents later; these may be referred to as non-consensual and consensual abductions respectively. However, even when the practice is against the law, judicial enforcement remains lax, such as in Kyrgyzstan and the North Caucasus.”


The jihadi mentality is an extension of these shame‒honor cultural practices in which variants of bride stealing or kidnapping are encountered. This is once again an expression of power, control, and submission forced upon the female. It represents a fusion, bonding violently with the other, who is female. The jihadis remain terrified of their mother’s body. Such cultural practices reinforce the control of the other and lead to the weakening of the psychological health of the group. The behavior and practice are rife with paranoia.


“What has also been overlooked [in terrorism studies] is the intervening, underlying cultural practices of hostage taking ― ranging from bride stealing to clan hostage taking for revenge. This is yet another link in the imagery of fusion. Taking a hostage is an attempt to re-fuse with the mother in a shame–honor culture where one is not permitted to separate from her. Hostage taking is a fusion that harkens back to the maternal fusion, the first fusion in life. The intervening fusions replay the trauma of not having the emotional, psychological, and cognitive capacities to be independent.”

“The bride of the forced marriage may suffer from the psychological and physical consequences of forced sexual activity and early pregnancy, and the early end to her education.”


The Hamas jihadi organization promotes child-bride marriage ceremonies, which is a form of child pedophilia. Again, power, control and submission of the female.



To conclude

Hamas is very, very confused about their sexual identity. That is why too they harbor much violent hatred of LGBTQ. This arouses in them their sadomasochism and inability to sort through and understand their own psychosexual drivers and motives. They lack emotional intelligence.


Sinwar and his brother Muhammad are prime examples of bullies turned psychopathic murderers who engage in sexual acts including pedophilia. I cite the brutal rape and mass murder of the victims of October 7th as a manifestation and extension of their perverse twisted psychopathic minds entailing this underlying psychopathology.

Hamas and its Gazans have been immersed in violence since the get-go. Their terrorist organization merely institutionalizes this sexual paranoia. They attack the dhimmi Jew who is a female in their mind’s eye. None of this is rocket science but for us their pedophilia is so terrifying that it can easily precipitate a counter transference of denial in us. We became “fenced in by denial” leading up to October 7th and a lot of that denial kindled a burgeoning sexism in the IDF command who did not listen. Cf.


The moral of this story: Never ever underestimate violent terrifying psychosexual dynamics. From rape the dynamic escalates to murder and for the jihadis such as Hamas, they have a rage which exceeds murder itself, hence the mutilation of the bodies.



Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin, Ph.D.

Psychoanalyst Counter Terrorist Expert

Psychoanalyst Counter Terrorist Expert

The aim of this blog is to promote and advance an understanding of the relationship of early childhood to the jihadis’ violent behavior and externalized hatred. Many aspects of culture will be addressed in order to do a deep dive and a deep dig into the unconscious behavior behind all the political ideologies and the verbiage. 


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