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Israeli Journalism’s Identification with Hamas the Predator-Perpetrator-Aggressor Par Excellence?

An Investigation Is Warranted


Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin, Ph.D.

War Blog #26

Since my writing of the War Blog #24 -- Is TOI PC? = Is The Times of Israel Politically Correct?

more articles have come to light about the problematic current nature of Israeli journalism concerning the war and October 7th. Today we learn of this at HaAretz:

One of the most prevalent issues with coverage of the current war between Israel and Hamas is the spread of inaccurate reporting and misinformation.

As seen with the Al-Ahli Hospital explosion and other similar instances, inaccurate reports help to fuel a narrative that whitewashes Hamas’ terrorist actions while simultaneously condemning Israel for acts that it did not commit. This false narrative then takes off on social media, and quickly becomes an accepted fact for many people.

originally here ht


It stands to reason though from a psychoanalytic perspective that with the rise of antisemitism globally and the war that Israeli news sources are juggling and scrambling to “fit in and appease” the violence being projected unconsciously from Hamas the Predator-Perpetrator-Aggressor. This is due to Hamas’s psychotic behavior which causes the targeted mind to disorganize and flee as it becomes ensnared by the undertow of Hamas's murderous violence.

Could it be that Israeli journalists are terrified, and they don’t even know it or recognize it as well as own their own terrors? This would be a classic example of the identification with the aggressor à la the Stockholm Syndrome. There has been little effort to understand such journalistic behavior with regard to the psychodynamics of the unconscious nor for that matter to educate the viewing and reading public. Ironically 94% of thinking is unconscious.

Political Terrorism sets up a unique unconscious maternal communicative network which is terrifying. It is also psychotic. I have written about in my The Jihadi Dictionary (a French translation 2024)

Communicative Circuit of Terrorism

Psi Sign (a psychological definition): “Semiotics‒Circuit of communication: Stuart Hall’s term for several linked but distinctive ‘moments’ in processes of mass communication ― production, circulation, distribution/consumption and reproduction.”228 Psychoanalysis is considered a subfield of semiotics as it involves meaning-making.

X (i.e. The Crossed Swords of Jihad) The Maternal Communicative Circuit of Terrorism: “To counter Islamic suicide terrorism, then, one must recognize the core terrors of the terrorists as well as our own terrors: the terrors are about the mother. Since everyone has a mother, terrorism taps into the oldest, most archaic terrors that everyone relates to consciously or unconsciously. The suicide bombing attack accesses this immediate, nonverbal, and visceral communicative circuit that connects humanity.” Everyone has his or her own “internal terrorist” into which the real terrorist hooks. (See Intrapsychic Terrorist Organization.) “‘Thus terror is also theater because it is intended to send a message. Contrary to common understanding, the message isn’t in the first instance political or ideological. It is psychological. Terrorism,’ writes Leo Braudy in his fascinating book From Chivalry to Terrorism. ‘It is “primarily symbolic and propagandistic,” [signaling] that all the high technology in the world cannot stop a determined enemy, even one armed only with primitive [emphasis added] weapons.’” I added to this idea the notion of a maternal communicative circuit in my first book, The Banality of Suicide Terrorism. “We are all plugged in globally since we all have mothers. This circuit is dependent upon tapping into our earliest nonverbal terrors linked to the maternal relationship and concerning dependency needs and abandonment. It is through this maternal network that terrorists play out their fantasies as we watch it through the media as if we were sitting in a global theater.” Terrorism is the ultimate theater of drama, and we get dragged into it unwillingly. cf. p. 53

An examination of the psychology of terrorism from its very deepest maternal terrors has been completely lacking.

Perhaps it’s time for Honest Reporting to delve into what has been going on at The Times of Israel as well. It's time to stop Israeli Journalism's PC behavior as it stokes the flames of Hamas's murderous violence - a rage that exceeds murder itself as it will murder even more.

#Bring All of Them Home NOW!

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Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin, Ph.D.

Psychoanalyst Counter Terrorist Expert

Psychoanalyst Counter Terrorist Expert

The aim of this blog is to promote and advance an understanding of the relationship of early childhood to the jihadis’ violent behavior and externalized hatred. Many aspects of culture will be addressed in order to do a deep dive and a deep dig into the unconscious behavior behind all the political ideologies and the verbiage. 


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