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Hamas-UN-Qatar -Islamic Masse und Macht

Wiki commons Screen shot - Hamas - The Tip of the Spear

A Folie à Billions

By Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin, Ph.D

War Blog # 15

It is estimated that 94% of thinking is unconscious and yet we do not factor that into the subject of political psychology very often, if at all. In addition, the female makes the brain of the baby for this unconscious process through the maternal attachment. This is the first bonding in life. Hamas bonds to us murderously. The chronically abused little Muslim girl grows up to have a baby boy which becomes her first taste of power vis à vis “honor.” Yet she experiences the baby’s needs as attacking [think paranoia]. Why? Because she has been “running on empty” her entire life. The male baby is a narcissistic object to her. She as a little girl has only been treated as a devalued object. The baby is objectified and not experienced as a real individual separate from herself with his own needs. The baby is manipulated and projected into unconsciously.

It should not surprise us that Hamas in turn doesn’t see the enemy as people in their own right nor with needs but rather as objects. High on captagon, they committed mass murder, beheadings, rape, even necrophilia, horrific mutilation etc. The body unconsciously represents the body of their mothers from whom they have never separated and from whom they harbor a rage that exceeds murder itself that we commonly see in criminology’s serial killers. Even though ummi is venerated in Arabic culture by the saying - “Paradise lies under the feet of the mother,” unconsciously she is vilified.


In Arab Muslim culture not only are you not permitted to psychological separate from your mother, you also must do blood vengeance. You must willfully spill blood in order to cleanse honor, which means really that if you are humiliated or shamed, you must seek blood revenge. This is clearly delusional thinking.

Musab Hassan Youssuf, the Green Prince, son of Hamas said that the greatest enemy is shame. It’s not the Jew but in Hamas’s mind’s eye, they must have the need to hate and the need to have an enemy in order to psychological purify themselves as well as to stabilize an undifferentiated fragile paranoid group self. The scapegoat is the dhimmi Jew.

Musab Hassan Youssuf also stated what Palestinian children really need:

“We don't want a Palestinian state, I don't want a Palestinian State. Palestinian children need education, they need security, they need life. This is what they need, they don't need another corrupt Arab regime.” Cf.

This brings us to the subject of a group delusion, a huge international group psychosis, as recently witness by the absolute failure of the UN to name Hamas and to cite the mass genocide that Hamas engaged in. The UN is supposed to be the leader of all the nations of the world. The motivator for this aberrant behavior is an unconscious group psychosis which identifies with the aggressor Hamas. The UN has virtually no psychological insight nor emotional intelligence. Like Hamas, they have the need to hate and the need to have an enemy and I would bet my money on the fact that they all have experienced huge deprivation in their childhood and I don’t mean here financial deprivation rather psychological.


It is defined as: 1. Any abnormal mental state with characteristics of serious impairment in the higher brain functions such as perception, cognition and/or cognitive processing. These impairments manifest themselves in delusions, hallucinations or disorganized speech functions. 2. Any severe mental disorder that significantly interferes with function.” To put it bluntly the brain’s motherboard is defective.

Shared Psychosis

A shared psychosis can be defined as involving a limitless number of people who join together in delusional behavior. Mass psychosis finds its underpinnings in a symbiotic psychosis, which is a “situation which usually happens with children from 2 to 5 years old, where the child is completely emotionally attached to mother, and reacts stressfully. Some of the symptoms of this situation can be attributed to the separation anxiety disorder; this is also named symbiotic infantile psychosis or symbiotic infantile psychotic syndrome.”

Hamas - The Tip of the Spear

The jihadi terrorist organizations are joined in psychosis for destructive purposes. An example would be the way in which the Islamic State has trained its children to undertake beheadings and mass executions. Hamas followed their playbook but let us also recall that in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia beheading is still venerated with its beheading sword of Islam prominently displayed on its flag. This kind of nonverbal communication inspires the jihadis like Hamas. Hamas is the tip of the spear. They are carriers of the group’s aggression which expresses their rage which exceeds murder itself. The group behind them passively and not so passively engage in promoting and advancing the rampage of murder. The roots of this kind of group behavior can be traced back to the realization that in shame honor cultures, they are all known to be violent; one cannot get one’s needs appropriately met. Yet in political science this is never discussed. Cf.

Children are not born terrorists they are made into terrorists and very early on. Cf.’-lack-of-empathy-by-nancy-hartevelt-kobrin.pdf

Furthermore, because the female is making the brain of the baby i.e. the motherboard, this should not be minimized nor relegated to the simplistic idea of “the empowerment of women.” Why? Because such efforts have failed to recognize the unconscious and as such, its efforts do not process the trauma and the unconscious deep freeze of rage is not adequately dealt with. When the rage is mobilized, it entails the scapegoating of Israel and the Jews. The paranoia can be heard in Hamas’s charter:

Article Seven of the Charter concludes with a quotation from a hadith: The Day of Judgment will not come until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say, 'O Muslim, O servant of God, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.'

This is clearly delusional thinking.

Qatar – The Political “Gaslighter” Par Excellence

Jonathan Spyer wrote a piece in which he aptly characterized Qatar’s behavior as flamethrower and firefighter. Qatar demonstrates the deep psychological splitting that these delusional groups adhere to. They want it both ways. The splitting is a psychological primitive means to purge themselves of the shame while at the same time wanting to be “the hero.” Qatar could be characterized as a covert narcissist with psychopathic tendencies. Cf.


In psychology such manipulative behavior is related to gas lighting.

Gaslighting is the action of repetitively (and often brazenly) lying to someone to manipulate, and ultimately control them and the relationship. It could be divided into four different types: outright lying, manipulation of reality, scapegoating and coercion. Cf. google, 10 Jan 2023

Qatar manipulated the West and lied in an attempt to control. They also engaged in scapegoating i.e. Israel and the Jews. Blinken kept running back and forth to Qatar after the Black Shabbat of October 7, 2023 because it became apparent that Qatar had been throwing oil on the flames of Hamas.

Yigal Carmon who predicted the tragedy of the massacre also pointed out how being in deep denial, Israel tried to buy off Hamas. This was part of the undertow of getting sucked into Hamas-Qatar-UN-The Islamic Masse und Macht’s delusion. A kind of political counter transference.

Folie à deux becomes folie à groupe

Ψ This is a quote from The Sane Society applicable to Jihadi group think: “It is naively assumed that the fact that the majority of people share certain ideas or feelings proves the validity of these ideas and feelings. Nothing is further from the truth. Consensual validation as such has no bearing whatsoever on reason or mental health. Just as there is a folie à deux there is a folie à millions. The fact that millions of people share the same vices does not make these vices virtues, the fact that they share so many errors does not make the errors to be truths, and the fact that millions of people share the same mental pathology does not make these people sane.”

Group Think

Group think is a primitive defense mechanism enhanced by its primitive mental states [Hamas has PMS War Blog #8] against separating and individuating from the mother. Hamas’s weak personality does not have enough psychological infrastructure to be self-standing and to allow independent thinking.

Group think “is applied to a group of people that have an irrational but validated idea like a group of people who believe in bigotry. It was defined by Erich Fromm.” The jihadi must follow a charismatic leader who has a herd. An example of the jihadis’ folie à groupe can be seen in the 9/11 hijackers, the Mumbai Swarm Attacks, and the Paris Black Friday Massacre.

Folie à groupe becomes a folie à billions

To conclude devastatingly the pogrom of the Black Shabbat on October 7, 2023 in which 1400 were murdered and hundreds maimed along with all the hostages estimated over 233 has been added to this list. Hamas with the backing of the UN-Qatar-the Islamic Masse und Macht, the folie à groupe has morphed into a folie à billions. What is sane in an insane society? It’s being acted out right now by the mass hysteria of the Islamic crowds and their power which I have dubbed “The Islamic Masse und Macht.” They don’t want to protest; they want the blood of the Jews.

*definitions, in part, have been adapted from The Jihadi Dictionary with the French edition forthcoming 2024, David Reinharc Press, Paris




Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin, Ph.D.

Psychoanalyst Counter Terrorist Expert

Psychoanalyst Counter Terrorist Expert

The aim of this blog is to promote and advance an understanding of the relationship of early childhood to the jihadis’ violent behavior and externalized hatred. Many aspects of culture will be addressed in order to do a deep dive and a deep dig into the unconscious behavior behind all the political ideologies and the verbiage. 


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