Hamas’s Unstable Minds

Screen shot from WhatsApp
The Islamic Masse und Macht Problem
Copycat Contagion of Hamas’s “Invasion”
And Why We Will Win
By Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin, Ph.D.
War Blog #14
Jews Under Attack: Man arrested by California police after breaking into a Jewish home in Los Angeles and threatening to kill the occupants.
The suspect, Daniel Garcia, who was wearing only underwear*, kicked in the home’s back door, and was heard yelling “Free Palestine” and “Kill Jews”, per the LAPD.
The home invasion occurred at approximately 5AM; the incident is being investigated as a hate crime.
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The above WhatsApp was received through Jewish Breaking News about a deranged man who entered a Jewish home in California in order to kill the Jews. We have heard very little about this violent incursion since. Cfl
The Islamic Masse und Macht
The phenomenon of copycat violent behavior can be seen globally through social media and the press. You can associate to the Jewish students trapped in the Cooper Union library, under attack by the insidious “Islamic Masse und Macht” of the Palestinians. cf. https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-students-barricade-in-nycs-cooper-union-as-protesters-chant-free-palestine/
This is occurring across US campuses. It is no longer just “a hate crime” rather such violence is parse and parcel of the Second War Against the Jews. Cf. https://www.thefp.com/p/this-isnt-a-war-against-israel?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=260347&post_id=138322544&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=89j80&utm_medium=email
I have intentionally coined the phrase Islamic Masse und Macht i.e. “Islamic Crowds and Power” in order to link it back to the Shoah. Elias Canetti, a brilliant Sephardic Jew, authored the canonical text on the violent weaponization of Nazi crowds, specifically, and their power leading to the destruction of the Jews.
Unfortunately, we will see more of this, being a tipping point where the violent behavior will be concretely acted out ending in murder. How does this copycat contagion work?
Compulsion’s Motivator Causing the Copycat Contagion
A definition of compulsion is in order, what follows is adapted and modified from my The Jihadi Dictionary. I also want to add why I have chosen to include the etymology of the words because it is hoped that reviewing this semantic history and its field will precipitate further ideas and a deeper understand of jihad. I included etymology against the strong objection of my publisher which just goes to underscore the function of “terror” and knowing the truth.
Compulsion can be defined as:
A very strong desire to do something; the act of using force or pressure to make someone do something; the state of being forced to do something.
√ compulsion: from Latin compulsio: a driving, urging; compellere: compel. Psychological sense 1909. Freud’s Selected Papers on Hysteria, where German Zwangsneurose is rendered as compulsion neurosis [emphasis added].
Ψ “Involuntary repetition of a stereotyped and ritualistic action or movement, usually in connection with a wish or a fear. The patient is aware of the irrationality of the compulsive act (in other words: she knows that there is no real connection between her fears and wishes and what she is repeatedly compelled to do). Most compulsive patients find their compulsions tedious, bothersome, distressing, and unpleasant ― but resisting the urge results in mounting anxiety from which only the compulsive act provides much-needed relief. Compulsions are common in obsessive‒compulsive disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), and in certain types of schizophrenia.” This is related to Freud’s notion of repetition compulsion emanating from trauma. The repetition and the obsession to repeat are attempts to master the trauma, the failure to make meaning out of the experience.
X (the crossed swords of jihad) The severity of the jihadi mentality and its primitive nature are made manifest by their compulsion and need to hate and to have an enemy by the age of 1 if not by 3 years old, namely the Jews. By forming a malignant twinship with another jihadi brother and in a crowd, they repeat the compulsion to be united in hatred.
Psychologically one wonders if this isn’t a kind of repetition compulsion from a failed attempt to work through trauma. The malignant twinship helps facilitate an understanding of terrorists’ gruesome behavior. The sociopathic twinship is represented by a recurring theme of twoness, such as 9/11’s simultaneous attacks on the Twin Towers. There is an even more interesting aspect of twinning, which occurs through the pairing of jihadi brothers or “pretend” brothers. The malignant twins represent the reverse superego where what they think is good is actually bad. The sages of the Torah articulate this awareness in Isaiah 5:20 - Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Imitative behavior is an unsophisticated primitive emulation. How jihadi behavioral patterns repeat and spread in a crossover phenomenon and very readily thru social media campaigns can be referred to as the “Chechenization of Jihad.” One way to access and examine violence and crimes involving terrorism is through associative thoughts by way of fantasy, imagery, language, the culture’s mythology, and identification with the maternal object.
Carl Jung introduced the concept of the shadow and the collective unconscious, which explains how cultures throughout time repeat the same behaviors. Freud referred to this as repetition compulsion. Copycat behavior is considered to be primitive and not well mentalized, meaning that isexperienced emotionally and [not well] connected to language.” This means that they have unstable minds, poorly put together. They have a major cognitive deficit to put it mildly arising early in their lives as they were treated as objects because of pervasive shaming. The cognitive deficits exemplify from their PMS, i.e. the primitive mental states which I wrote about in “Hamas Has PMS War Blog #8.” https://www.nancykobrin.org/post/hamas-has-pms
I do not say this in order to elicit empathy for the perpetrators. I point this out so that those who really want to understand jihad can gain this deeper psychological edge, which will help turn down the volume on our maternal terrors by not letting the jihadis get to us. Only then can we continue to remain strong, call their murderous bluff, develop better strategies and tactics, listen more closely and deeply hearing our gut and above all not be in denial.
To conclude
That a deranged David Garcia and * his underpants (think the perversion of jihad's sadomasochism) should feel justified to enter an American Jewish home in California foregrounds that no American Jewish home is safe anymore. Similarly, no Jewish student on an American campus is safe. Violence is condoned and encouraged targeting the Jew. The anti-Zionism on college campuses is nothing more than antisemitism. It is escalating. Violence breeds violence. WE have seen this before, especially in France where jihadis of all sorts of affiliations – random Palestinians, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Chechen etc. have felt entitled to even thrown elderly Jewish women out of windows to their deaths. It should not surprise us that they would take elderly women hostages and behead babies. This is purely psychotic group behavior; the herd mentality with PMS incited by the Hamas incursion into Israel on October 7th. Know this – they come for me, they will come for you.
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