Hamas’s Collective Fantasy

Why “Collective Punishment” Gaza Style Is a Misnomer
By Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin, Ph.D.
War Blog #6
Collective Group Fantasy of Muslims
It does not seem to matter whether terrorists are Muslims by birth or converts who have radicalized. Both often share the common denominator defenses of splitting and projective identification. What is of importance is the ideology with which they identify, which acts like a girdle for their fragile personalities, justifying their internal rage. The ideologies bolster the collective group fantasy of how needs and feelings are expressed:
“I don’t have needs or feelings; to do so would mean I am dirty, helpless, and inadequate, bringing great shame. Therefore, I obey to dispose of these dirty needs by transplanting them into others!” This is the result of growing up in a pervasively shaming environment that views the other as a mere object, a target into which to project unwanted needs and feelings.
Yet the “I” is not like the western pronoun “I” because they have not gone through an individuation-separation from their mothers, ummi. There is a social prohibition NOT to separate and in that prohibition it is a clever way to enhance the unconscious rage of being maternally smothered. It is then weaponized against the Jews because the Jew is the first monotheistic Abrahamic faith and is envied. Envy means attacking.
Asabiyya (Arabic: ʻaṣabīya) refers to social solidarity with an emphasis on unity, group consciousness, and a sense of shared purpose and social cohesion.
√ The Arabic root is ayn-sad-ba; bound; from the verb asaba: to bind, meaning group solidarity and loyalty, which informs the Arab sense of honor.
In Arab Muslim culture, the group self predominates over the “individual.” The psychology of the group is that of an enmeshed entity, expressing that it is a shame‒ honor culture.
X (the crossed swords of Jihad) The cultural value of asabiyah heightens a fused group, all the more so for an Arab-dominated terrorist organization such as Hamas. An example of a fused closed circle are the Muslim no-go zones in Europe where the infidels are not wanted. This means that the group self exists in ongoing states of fusion. There is no sense of independence. The thinking is group-think, yielding paranoia. Because asabiyais dependent on a state of fusion, it has good fit with the shame‒honor group self from which the terrorists arise ― even if they are non-Arab such as the Somalis, North Africa jihadis, and others, including the converts who radicalize as they grew up in a fused, enmeshed family. The value transfers readily to terrorism. M. Maarouf,* in his essay on suicide bombing, demonstrates the interlocking links of preexisting templates for jihadi behavior though the infrastructure for martyrdom arises from the dysfunctionality of the family in relation to the mother, the devalued female.
Asabiya Arab ethnic solidarity or bonding – is the justification to continue, promote and advance the fused group at the expense of the female and targeting the other – Jews are female “dhimmi” in their mind’s eye – this is their “collective.”
Muslim World’s Day of Rage
Their “Day of Rage” exists because they don’t know what to do with a rage that exceeds murder itself. They persist in denial in order not to give up their rage and to justify their paltry existence as a dysfunctional group. Hamas has been a complete failure in Gaza. Thus the haters are recalcitrant to change; they harbor a delusion and must continue to rage - https://www.timesofisrael.com/haters-wont-be-swayed-but-hamas-lies-about-gaza-hospital-blast-are-being-exposed/
The Faulty Western Legal Assumption of “Collective Punishment” Applied to Jihad
What the western legal system gets wrong is that its practitioners do not understand what shame honor cultures are and how they function. The western legal system is predicated on the idea of the “individual.” They may look like “individuals” but they are not because they have not gone through an individuation-separation stage in psychological development – they remain at the anal stage cf. War Blog 5 Hamas’s Shit. Hence the violence and grandiose omnipotence of boasting and showing off the production of their shit: the live streaming, videos, war trophies of the atrocities – boasting like proud toddlers of their “golden” feces.
The western legal system has it all wrong. The fused dysfunctional herd group reigns suppressing the growth and freedom of those within through bullying tactics and the threat of the honor killing then all of this is externalized under the banner of political violence. Western law needs to rethink the concept of “Collective Punishment” when Hamas and those who identify justifying hatred even though there is pervasive lying. Think Al Ahli Hospital bombing by Islamic Jihad’s failed missile launch. Here is their reverse world where they kill off their own by claiming that the evil Israel engages in “collective punishment.”
To conclude - The Imperative to Listen
I end this this post with the man who predicted the devastating slaughter October 7, Yigal Carmon. Here is his seven-minute interview with The Economic Times of India:
Read this as well https://www.timesofisrael.com/the-writing-was-on-the-wall-says-counterterror-expert-who-saw-war-looming/
Always remember: Terrorists tell you what they are going to do and they do it
* cf The Jihadi Dictionary
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