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Hamas “Owns” Wellesley

Wikicommons screen shot

Wikicommons Screenshot - Hamas's Kidnapping of infants, children, women, the elderly

It's placement below Wellesley's Logo is meant to signify Hamas as a "Pillar" of their institution

By Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin, Ph.D.

War Blog #11

Islamic Antisemitism Has Destroyed America’s Universities

Hamas’s Grip on Wellesley College

While I was at the gym yesterday, trying to maintain endurance as we slog through this war to eliminate Hamas, an acquaintance came up to me and shared with me her deep concerns about anti-Zionism at her alma mater Wellesley. She was visibly upset and rightfully so concerning the anti-Semitic comments made by Wellesley Student Resident Advisors and a woeful apology by its President. cf.

It was apparent to me that the college had psychologically fallen into the well laid trap of Islamic anti-Semitism born out of the Muslim Brotherhood playbook of Jew hatred written many years go. I had first hand experience of it at the University of Minnesota when I was working on my doctorate in Islamic literature 16th c. Hadith in aljamía, i.e. Old Spanish in Arabic script. I will spare you the details as you can read about it in my second book Penetrating the Terrorist Psyche.

These student RAs demonstrated the classic concept of identification with the aggressor (discussed below) and how their hatred of the Jew is actually a displacement of their self-hatred. But how did Hamas come to “own” Wellesley? How have the American colleges and universities been infiltrated, taken over and now “owned” by such Islamic rage, a rage that exceeds murder itself, that like a lethal virus has infected kids who are virtually uneducated about the truth and the facts.

Follow The Money

In counter terrorism we always say follow the money. So, who is funding all of this Islamic anti-Semitic garbage? Who is funding BDS? etc.? Tablet Magazine has a lot of the answers in this week’s issue. So read about it here. Cf.

The money train needs to be brought to a grinding halt. Universities now fail to protect their Jewish students or maybe they never really wanted to protect our kids in the first place? Yet of course, overpriced academia is more than willing to take the money of Jewish parents.

In addition to the above article concerning Wellesley there is also Columbia University’s Professor Shai Davidai’s video concerning the deep security threat Jewish students now face from this contemporary endless days of rage, the Islamic “Masse und Macht.”

As I write, I recall meeting professors (think Wok) who eagerly went to Saudi Arabia in the 1970s to make a quick bundle of money teaching for a short period of time. This was before MBS was even born and the “magic kingdom” did not allow Jews. These professors readily imported this garbage as well.

Wellesley’s RA-Antisemites and their Collusive President

This brings me back to the subject of identification with the aggressor and their “internal Hamas terrorist” for the students and their president. They are completely unaware of their own terrors and how they use Hamas to manage their own psychological problems.

Identification with the Aggressor

Identification with the aggressor is a “defense mechanism described by Anna Freud (1946) ... [which] leads a harshly treated subject to take on the attribute of his abuser. Consequently, a subject himself becomes harsh and abusive towards others. While originally described in the context of child development, especially the preliminary stages of superego formation, ‘identification with the aggressor’ also seems to underlie the functioning of those large groups who, having faced persecution by one group, begin to persecute other, more vulnerable groups. This seems to be a counterpart of Sigmund Freud’s (1916) idea that the psychology of being an ‘exception’... can involve both individuals and nations.”

“Identification with the persecutor [emphasis added]: term coined by Otto Fenichel (1945) to denote a defensive manoeuvre against guilt. This consists of accumulating power so that one can free oneself of the need to justify one’s actions. Feelings of guilt that accrue under such circumstances are warded off by ‘stressing the point: I alone decide what is good and what is evil’ (p.500). However, struggle against guilt through power often sets up a vicious cycle, whereby power leads to ethical violations and subsequent guilt, and guilt leads to greater need for power.”

X (Crossed swords of Jihad) The identifications listed above, which are formed through unconscious means of bonding precipitated by terror, draw the viewers into the maelstrom of jihadi sado-masochistic violence. They are also defense mechanisms to ward off the internal terrors. The jihadis experienced variants of these identifications while growing up as children and thus repeat them with global spectators and their victims. In the theater of Islamic terrorism academia and its students have been pulled into Hamas’s terror, identify with the aggressor and externalize their rage in sync with Hamas’s rage that exceeds murder itself. It can be surmised that President Johnson’s minimizing the problem and the failure to protect her Jewish students signals that she too has colluded with such aggression.

Their Hamas Terrorist Within And How It Works

These females have internalized Hamas’s male rage of the female as self-hatred and have then expel their self-hatred on to the Jews. Classic scapegoating. The RAs and the president have bonded with Hamas.

In Penetrating the Terrorist Psyche, I wrote: As a psychoanalyst, I go beyond genre or scope to integrate my highly specialized training in semiotics and languages, including Semitic languages. I found this comprehensive training crucial as a link to understanding the complex nature of global, and more specifically Islamic, terrorism. I learned to speak the language of terrorists. I came to understand their pantomime of inflicting pain, and equally important I came to understand how I internalized their terrorism into my internal terrorist. To know the terrorist within is the first step toward the exit to freedom.

We all have an internal terrorist. Depending on our history, it is probably a matter of degree as to how traumatizing this terrorist within us is. This is where traumatic bonding begins, which easily leads to bonding with a nefarious, charismatic leader and being in a cult or a terrorist group like Hamas.

We must discover, understand, and own these intimate connections because they can hook us into global terrorism in general and Islamic terrorism in particular and most especially its Jew hatred. Identifying such links will help us further identify the specifics of the projected terrors of the terrorists. It will diminish being in denial. Only then can we defuse the murderous rage and maiming violence they inflict upon the innocent. Our internal terrorist has everything to do with how we internalized our experience with our own mothers. To know and to understand this gives us a psychological edge against the projections of the terrorists’ terrors. We don’t have to be terrified and we should not hate the Jew.

The Betrayal of Trust

President Johnson needs to understand the devastating damage she has done to Wellesley by minimizing the aberrant behavior of the Resident Advisors. In my opinion the RAs should not only be stripped of their position but they should be dismissed from Wellesley. They knew what they were doing; they knew what their responsibilities were. This is not a situation in which they can be “de-radicalized” precisely because it is obsessional thinking, a delusion which we should remember is psychotic.

At the very least -- there should be no space, no place and no support for these student Resident Advisors. As for President Johnson, she should immediately step down because she has not only jeopardized the security of her Jewish students, she has gravely betrayed their trust.




Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin, Ph.D.

Psychoanalyst Counter Terrorist Expert

Psychoanalyst Counter Terrorist Expert

The aim of this blog is to promote and advance an understanding of the relationship of early childhood to the jihadis’ violent behavior and externalized hatred. Many aspects of culture will be addressed in order to do a deep dive and a deep dig into the unconscious behavior behind all the political ideologies and the verbiage. 


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